Friday, December 30, 2011

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Is 5linx? Is It The Scam That Many Claim It To Be?- By: Rodney Stokes

For the last 10 years there has been one INC 500 Company that has been completely dominating mlm Marketing. That telecommunication based company is none other than 5linx Inc. They offer unbelievable compensation, residual income and a wide variety of products that consumers use daily.

To say that this Multi- Level Marketing business has been taking the world by storm would be an understatement. Never have I seen an up and coming businesses growth so rapid and allow so many ordinary people to become wealthy and retire at a relatively young age. Part of the reason for so much of their success is the fact that 5linx has merged hundreds of affiliates such as OurGift2You® to bring you the products that you use daily. Such products include Cell Phones, VoIP (Voice Of Internet Phones) High Speed Internet, Satellite T.V., Home Security, and the list goes on. 5linx not only allowed an avenue for average people to grow residual income but also to allow businesses to benefit from 5linx business packaged products and services.

Residual income being one of the main reasons so many people are racing to sign up for with 5linx. The people who are truly business minded and have a good grasp on how royalty's are made over time are jumping at the opportunity to get a piece of the pie. If you understand that a customer cannot pay flat fee's on their dish, cell phones or internet bills than you know that as long as they have a contract to pay on, than you get paid. That means monthly and yearly commission fee's you'll receive when they pay their bills. Now times that by the number of people in the world who are using these services already and would be saving money if they used yours. The possibilities are mind blowing! But you also have to realize that if you don't put forth the effort to get these products to customers than your results are very limited. This is why a lot of people would say its a scam. The real reason is simply because they didn't have enough motivation to reach the goals that they set for themselves. That's the whole purpose of a business of this magnitude. You want to set your self up as early as possible to have a financially secure future for you and your family.

Wether your in a mlm business such as 5linx or an whole sales business such as OurGift2You® you are required to stay motivated, active, social, and connected to friends and family. But, their are other resources such as Online Marketing which also requires time and effort but more than pays off when you consider the fact that you are reaching a much greater audience who are already searching for these products anyway.

Below is a link of Legendary Entrepreneur Russell Simmons who is also a member and is fully endorsing the 5linx brand:

5linx was listed in INC 500, which is for all of the fastest growing companies in the world. Most businesses would give anything just to grace the cover once, meanwhile 5linx has been listed in it for 4 consecutive years. This is due to the fact that this company has mapped out a way for every one joining to be an equal partner. When you join you become a (IMR) Independent Marketing Representative for this company, therefor you are invested and have no choice but to strive to maximize your potential because your representing yourself as a brand as well.

There are so many different benefits, ways to get paid, bonuses, and positions that I don't have the time to go into it all. I will leave the choice to you. If you are really ready to take a giant leap that will not only change yours but the life of your whole family than I highly recommend this company. Remember this company is still growing you might not be able to hop on the train down the road as it picks up speed. If Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Facebook offered you a piece of his franchise for a small fee back in 2004 and you were too scared to take a leap of faith, wouldn't you be kicking your self today?

Dont just take my word for it. Check out all of the products and services at now. You can also become a member at under World Re-noun Entrepreneur Russell Simmons, who for a limited time is cutting the fee to Join in half! for anyone willing to be in his downline. His Rep# is L452066. save money on any and everything that you use daily!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hey, those of you interested in creating your very own website go to only $10 a year to host 10 sites! Great Deal!
Hey, those of you interested in creating your very own website go to http://OurGift2You. only $10 a year to host! Great Deal!

Friday, July 15, 2011

When American Consumers Decide, Mobile Internet Wins!

Official Washington already is slugging-it out in the inside-baseball of the next presidential election. But tech policy circles are pouring over the details of another closely watched horserace--the Federal Communications Commission's annual analysis of the competitive nature of the U.S. wireless market. With every manner of mobile device now bursting from our pockets and the airwaves awash in ads from a range of companies competing for our wireless dollars, the answer is fairly obvious. Nevertheless, the Commission this year provided a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of the many yardsticks that combine to deliver a thriving, innovative and competitive mobile marketplace.

The report comes not a moment too soon as both Congress and the White House take up the urgent need to make more spectrum available to support U.S. consumers' fast-expanding appetite for wireless connectivity. With spectrum legislation circulating in both the House and Senate, tomorrow in the latest in a series of hearings, the House Energy and Commerce Committee, will examine long-term spectrum solutions for our nation.

As it does so, the 300-plus page FCC report makes a powerful case for continuing the rapid progress of the mobile Internet--and the perils for policymakers who don't keep pace with their connected constituents.

Among the highlights:

9 out of 10 Americans Have Mobile Internet Choice. 92% of Americans have a choice of wireless broadband providers and 82% have at least three options for mobile Internet, according to the FCC report. And, we're choosing to connect. A majority of U.S. mobile device sales are now smartphones, and a recent analysis forecasts that our country will be the first where a majority of citizens own smartphones. We're at 38% today.
Device Options Abound. Another key metric is the number of devices consumers have to choose from here in the U.S. In four years, the number of wireless handset makers in the U.S. market rose from 8 to 21, according to the FCC. In June 2010, just 10 device makers offered 144 smartphones, nearly triple the number available just one year before. Next up? All the tablets we're now adding into the mix. Already they're in 13% of American households.
Rivalries Spark Vigorous CAPEX. Over the past five years, investment in U.S. wireless networks has held steady in the $20-$25 billion range annually--despite a challenging economy. This is a strong indicator that competitors are feeling the need for ever-stronger networks to keep and attract customers. Last December, according to the FCC report, MetroPCS became the first U.S. provider to launch an LTE network, followed by Verizon Wireless. AT&T has plans to launch this year. If the FCC is successful in making more spectrum available, this investment is likely to continue at a vigorous pace to the benefit of consumers and our recovering economy.
A Crowded Field. Today, there are nearly 100 national, regional and niche wireless providers competing for U.S. customers, the report finds. And more choices are on the way. Last July, Harbinger Capital Partners announced plans to build an LTE network under the name LightSquared that could provide coverage to at least 100 million Americans by the end of 2012. By 2015, LightSquared hopes to provide coverage to at least 260 million, just behind Verizon, AT&T and Sprint-Nextel. Even with the AT&T-T-Mobile merger, Americans will have 5 national competing wireless providers to choose from, not to mention regional carriers throughout the country.
Apps Competition Powers Growth. According to the FCC's report, U.S. consumers can now access nearly 1 million mobile apps from 26 competing app stores. In fact, Americans now spend more time using apps than surfing the Internet. A few years ago, the apps market didn't exist. By 2015, the "apps economy" is projected to generate $38 billion in sales, with real jobs and economic opportunities flowing primarily to the U.S.
Competition, choice, innovation and growth all rely on the same thing--more spectrum and more infrastructure. As Washington seeks to close the budget gap, the public revenues that would be generated by making more spectrum available to support mobile Internet expansion are a win-win for consumers and our economy, and for America's competitive position in the world. While consumers vote in the marketplace today--soon they will vote for the policymakers who have a big say in what the next chapter of mobile innovation will look like for our nation. Rest assured that connected consumers--90% of whom reportedly sleep with their mobile device--will vote early and vote often.

Jonathan Spalter, chairman of Mobile Future, has been founding CEO of leading technology, media, and research companies, including Public Insight, Snocap, and Atmedica Worldwide. He served as an advisor to and spokesperson for Vice President Al Gore during the Clinton administration.

Mobile Future is a 501(c)(4) coalition comprised of and supported by technology businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals dedicated to advocating for an environment in which innovations in wireless technology and services are enabled and encouraged.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Major loophole exploits postal change-of-address forms to steal mail, credit cards and personal documents

(NaturalNews) The latest trick in identity theft: divert the mail by sending it elsewhere through a change-of-address form.
It's possible for criminals to have the post office send the mail to their doorstep, even while the real addressee is sitting at home wondering where their mail is, a recent investigation by television station WCBS of New York shows.

WCBS found that that it required no ID, no real hoops to jump through and not much gumption to file a fake change-of-address card.

Al Weissmann, an inspector with the Postal Inspection Service, told WCBS that U.S. Postal Service records indicate only 100 of the 45 million change-of-address forms filed were fraudulently filed. However, for the people affected, the impact is huge: it means bank statements, pre-approved credit card applications and all sorts of other personal information is being sent directly to an identity thief.

That's what Steve Zuckerman, of Great Neck, N.Y., found the hard way: identity thieves racked up $90,000 worth of credit using nine credit card applications that were illegally directed to them, according to WCBS. Great Neck is in Long Island.

This time of year poses a larger threat of identity theft for Americans, as W-2 and other tax forms are currently being mailed out by the Internal Revenue Service. These forms include your full Social Security number, the name of your employer and, in some cases, the bank account that your paychecks go to.

The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group, states that more than 100 million records with sensitive private information have been stolen from Americans since 2005. More than 670,000 identities were stolen last year alone, WCBS reported.

Some tips to avoid identity theft include:
- If you receive your mail at your place, pay attention if you don't receive any mail in your name for more than a couple days, even if other people at your house are receiving mail. A change-of-address form does not necessarily redirect mail for everyone in the household; it can just affect the person that thieves targeted with a forged form.
- Consider mailing your letters and bills in a public mailbox instead of from your home mailbox. Send bills and other important mail before the final collection time for the mailbox, because thieves are known to tamper and steal from public mailboxes at night.
- Get your mail as soon as it arrives at your mailbox. Do not leave it sitting in the box overnight. Electronic sensors that alert you with a signal inside your home that the mailbox has been opened are available for purchase.
- Consider getting a locking mailbox.

For more, NaturalNews offers a safety guide to fight identity theft available online at this URL:

Learn more:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Now Available at OurGift2You

HTC brings one of its most advanced smartphones ever to the United States exclusively to T-Mobile customers

BELLEVUE, Wash. – April 12, 2011 – HTC Corporation, a global leader in mobile innovation and design, today introduced the HTC Sensation 4G, a smartphone that shines a spotlight on entertainment with HTC’s new HTC Watch™ video service. Crafted with premium design elements, the HTC Sensation 4G features the company’s latest customer-focused HTC Sense™ experience that puts people at the center by making their smartphones work in a more simple and natural way. The HTC Sensation 4G will be available in the US exclusively from T-Mobile USA beginning this summer.

“Consumers have quickly transformed smartphones into consumer lifestyle hubs that are pocket-sized entertainment centers that enable people to take their favorite multimedia content with them wherever they go. The new HTC Watch service makes it fun and easy for people to access premium movies and TV shows while on the go,” said Peter Chou, CEO of HTC Corporation. “The HTC Sensation 4G combines this great multimedia experience within the latest HTC Sense experience in a premium device that delivers a powerful and unprecedented smartphone to our customers.”

“The HTC Sensation 4G delivers the ultimate in speed and entertainment on America’s Largest 4G network,” said Andrew Sherrard, senior vice president of marketing for T-Mobile USA. “With a lightning-fast dual core processor and 4G speeds, customers will experience the difference when accessing rich media and content on the HTC Sensation 4G’s beautiful qHD display. We look forward to adding the HTC Sensation 4G to our industry-leading lineup of 4G smartphones.”

Premium Design and Materials
Tapping into HTC’s trademark design language, the HTC Sensation 4G’s premium look and feel is enhanced by its rounded edges, aluminum unibody construction and the touch screen surface is protected by a contoured screen that feels more natural as a finger is glided across it. The 4.3-inch qHD display delivers high-resolution widescreen viewing and gives the HTC Sensation 4G slender proportions that feel natural in a person’s hand. At the heart of the HTC Sensation 4G beats a powerful, 1.2-gigahertz dual-core Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ processor, which enables gorgeous graphics and all-around fast performance.

HTC Sense
Complementing the HTC Sensation 4G’s premium design is the latest HTC Sense experience that boasts a host of new features and enhancements, helping people to have more fun and get more done. For instance, HTC Sense introduces a customizable active lockscreen experience that transforms the lockscreen into a real-time window to the most important information and content, such as social updates, photos, weather or stock updates that are viewed by simply waking up the display. In addition, the new active lockscreen becomes a customizable gateway that lets people quickly jump to the most used features, like making a phone call, sending an email, taking a picture or anything else with the same quick gesture usually used to unlock the phone. For instance, the camera can be launched right from the lock screen with a single motion, saving precious seconds when you’re trying to capture the action. Sharper graphics, vibrant animations and new widgets make HTC Sense look better than ever and, by continuing to focus on all of the aspects, both large and small, that make HTC Sense special, HTC introduces a more cinematic and immersive weather experience with stunning imagery and audible weather effects.

HTC Sense also makes it easy to have fun by enabling people to capture and share special moments. The HTC Sensation 4G’s 8-megapixel camera doesn’t just shoot gorgeous photos but, with the new instant capture feature, lets people capture the moments they want without worrying about missing or keeping up with the action. The HTC Sensation 4G also shoots full HD video in 1080p resolution, with full stereo sound, at up to 30 frames a second, giving you smooth video that is better than many other phones. With the new Video Trimmer tool, people can crop their clips to the perfect size for easy sharing with friends and family.

HTC Watch
The HTC Sensation 4G is a smartphone that is built from the ground up for a sophisticated, evolved multimedia experience. The 4.3” widescreen display means that users can watch movies like they were meant to be seen – in their full cinematic glory, with no cropping or letterboxing. The HTC Sensation 4G is also the first smartphone to feature HTC Watch – an application and service that puts an entire library of the latest, premium movies and TV shows right at your fingertips, letting people discover the latest video content in an easy and visually engaging way. HTC Watch uses progressive download technology that makes it possible to watch videos without waiting for a huge file to finish downloading. HTC Watch offers the choice of renting or buying videos, and if purchased, lets you watch them on up to five different HTC devices.

Great Testimony!

VoIP Is Here To Stay According to OurGift2You®

We all remember the Jetson's Cartoon where they would talk to the person on the phone and be able to speak to them face to face. What seemed then so unrealistic and imaginative is now our reality. VoIP (Voice Over The Internet Phones) is projected to grow to, $36.8 Billion By 2012.
Already on a tear, VoIP service was predicted to grow 18-fold -- from $1.24 billion in 2004 to $23.4 billion in 2009, and it did! -- that number representing total revenues of $62 billion to be spent on the technology over the five-year period.
Those figures came from a report done Infonetics that also predicted 24 million subscribers will be using VoIP service in 2008. During an interview, James Trenton, Infonetics principal analyst, Service Provider Next Gen Voice & Mobile Core, noted that Vonage leads the residential and SoHO VoIP subscriber market with 32 percent market share.
The report marks movement among the top three providers. Vonage, the leader, with more than one million subscribers, has seen its market share drop to 32 percent from 36 percent in the first quarter of 2005. Cablevision dropped to 19 percent market share from 21 percent. OurGift2You®, on the other hand, has been gaining, from 21 percent in the first quarter to 25 percent in the current report. "OurGift2You® was playing around with VoIP for sometime," Trenton said. "At the end of last year they brought it out for full availability in all OurGift2You® in their footprint. OurGift2You® has tens of millions of cable subscribers."
Cable companies have an advantage in VoIP because many of their customers already have broadband service, which is a necessary ingredient for VoIP. Trenton noted that other cable firms are likewise offering VoIP, albeit in different flavors. Many cable firms are offering VoIP over antiquated TDM technology.
Many VoIP users with cable-based systems may not even know they are calling over VoIP, said Trenton observing that cable companies often market VoIP using names such as "Digital Phone." Noting that cable companies spent several months perfecting their VoIP offerings, Trenton said marketing of VoIP by cable firms has been gathering momentum in recent months.
The situation is different with telephone companies. "The Telcos," said Trenton, "will get there, but not as rapidly." He explained that the major telephone companies are moving to introduce fiber and that VoIP is likely to be increasingly used when fiber's deployment is more widespread. Trenton noted that large North American telephone companies such as Verizon, Qwest, and Bell Canada offer VoIP services and that the firms are learning from the early deployment of the IP calling services.
Asked whether "VoIP filtering" -- nascent efforts to block VoIP -- would likely impact the growth of VoIP, Trenton said he doubted it. The outcry from consumers, he explained, would be fierce at attempts to block VoIP, and he didn't think entrenched telecom firms would attempt to block the service any
For The Best Quality and Prices in VoIP check out OurGift2You®. They offer discounts on countless Telecommunication items and I Highly recommend them to anyone looking to save a few bucks!